
Various housing resources are available in the region for various clienteles, based on their needs. In most cases, housing services are available following a referral from a health care professional.

The region is home to many Démarre le chargement du fichierCHSLD that house users who live with an important loss of autonomy. These services are provided by a multidisciplinary team that comprises nurses, nursing assistants, health care attendants, a living environment advisor, special educators, and physicians. When needed, other professionals join the team: pharmacists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

Family is of great importance to the residents. They can enjoy days out with their relatives, on weekdays or weekends. Visiting hours are flexible. The residents’ well-being is the main concern of the housing service.

Would you like to get involved as a volunteer in a CHSLD? Consult this Démarre le chargement du fichierleaflet for more details.

Démarre le chargement du fichierList of CHSLDs in the region

CHSLD managers

  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Bergeronnes: Clara Béland
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Escoumins: Julie Bouffard
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Forestville: Sandra Deschênes-Maltais
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - N.-A.-Labrie: Stéphanie Harrisson
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD - Boisvert: Julie St-Pierre
  • Head of housing unit - Boisvert: Caroline Thériault
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Port Cartier: Brigitte Litalien
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD - Sept-Îles: Vacant
  • Head of housing unit - Sept-Îles: Josée Boulay
  • Head of housing unit - Sept-Îles: Isabelle Ferron
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Minganie (CHSLD et Foyer): Rémi Hébert
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Blanc Sablon: Diane Beaulieu
  • Manager in charge of CHSLD and head of housing unit - Donald G. Hodd: Susie Martin

CHSLD inspection reports and improvement plans

/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextLink to the section of the MSSS website (French only)

Financial contribution by accommodated adults

/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextRAMQ - Financial Contribution - Accommodated adults

Seniors' diet

Démarre le chargement du fichierGuide de référence - Alimentation de la personne âgée vivant en CHSLD (French only)

The construction of two seniors’ and alternative homes is underway on the North Shore, namely in Baie-Comeau and Havre-Saint-Pierre. The home in Baie-Comeau will have 36 places for seniors (seniors’ home) and 12 places for adults (alternative home). The one in Havre-Saint-Pierre will have 19 places for seniors (seniors’ home), 5 places for adults (alternative home) and 24 places for users with a profile to live in a private seniors’ residence (PSR).

For more details:

Intermediate resource

An intermediate resource (IR) is a type of accommodation that houses children or adults who may have particular needs related to a loss of autonomy, physical or intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder or mental health problems. Its mandate is to provide a temporary or permanent living environment to users entrusted by the CISSS de la Côte-Nord and to provide them with support or assistance services to meet their needs.

You can submit a project to operate an IR when the CISSS de la Côte Nord publishes a public call for tenders on the website of the /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextSystème électronique d’appel d’offres du Gouvernement du Québec (SEAO)

Family-type resource

A family-type resource generally consists of one or two people who house a maximum of nine users (children or adults) entrusted by the CISSS de la Côte-Nord in their main place of residence. It provides an alternative living environment adapted to the users’ condition. It helps them in their daily lives and provides them with support and assistance services.

If you are interested in housing a child aged between 0 and 17 years old, visit our section on Ouvre un lien interne dans la fenêtre courantefoster families

Do you want to become a family-type resource for adults?

By becoming an FTR for adults, you could house the following users, depending on your profile: 

  • Seniors with a loss of autonomy
  • People with a mental health problem
  • People with intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or physical disability (PD)

Who can become an FTR?

Anyone who: 

  • Is of full age and lives alone or in a family, with a living environment that has the potential to house users who cannot stay in their natural environment autonomously and safely.
  • Wants to make a difference in these people’s lives and is ready to spend time and energy on such a project.
  • Wants to provide a warm, stimulating, comforting and soothing living environment.
  • Is ready to collaborate with workers of the CISSS de la Côte-Nord and with families in order to support the user in their needs.

Contact us

To receive more details on IR-FTRs or to express your interest, send an email to the following address: 
Ouvre une fenêtre pour la rédaction du courrielri-rtf.cote-nord.09cisss@ssss.gouv.qc.ca 

Subsequently, a worker will contact you to give you more information and guide you through the process of becoming an FTR.


/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextProvincial documentation (French only)
/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextRessources intermédiaires et ressources de type familial - Cadre de référence (French only)

A private seniors’ residence is a rental facility that mainly houses people aged 65 years and over and where various services are offered, such as: nursing care, meal services, housekeeping services and recreational services. For more details, visit /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextquebec.ca.

The Regulation respecting the conditions for obtaining a certificate of compliance and the operating standards for a private seniors’ residence identifies the requirements that must be followed by the operator. For more information, visit the website of the /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (French  only).

The Régie du bâtiment du Québec offers different tools to operators of private seniors’ residence, including single-family type residences:

Prendre soin des personnes âgées de la Côte-Nord, chacun à sa façon.

La mission d'un centre d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) est d'offrir, de façon temporaire ou permanente, des services d'hébergement, d'assistance, de soutien et de surveillance ainsi que des services psychosociaux, infirmiers, pharmaceutiques, médicaux et de réadaptation aux adultes qui, en raison de leur perte d'autonomie fonctionnelle ou psychosociale, ne peuvent plus demeurer dans leur milieu de vie naturel.

(Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, 2018)

Les nouvelles maisons des aînés et maisons alternatives sont centrées sur la qualité du milieu de vie. Les soins et les services sont adaptés aux personnes, à leur état de santé physique ou mental. Le respect des droits et libertés sans égard à l'âge, au genre, à l'orientation sexuelle, à la situation sociale, à la religion ou à l'origine, notamment pour les communautés ethnoculturelles et des Premières Nations et Inuites, sont au cœur du projet. L'objectif est de s'y sentir comme à la maison.

(Gouvernement du Québec, 2023)

/typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextTravailler dans une MDA-MA


Maintenir, améliorer et restaurer la santé et le bien-être de la population de la Côte-Nord en rendant accessibles un ensemble de services de santé et de services sociaux, intégrés et de qualité, contribuant ainsi au développement social et économique de la Côte-Nord.



Plusieurs postes sont à combler dans nos différentes installations sur le territoire. Contribuez à la qualité de nos milieux pour aînés en postulant sur les postes suivants :

Le balado Et si c'était moi?

Cette série audio de 10 épisodes aborde des questions provenant de proches aidants envers la nouvelle politique en hébergement des milieux de vie pour aînés.

Un dynamique duo de la Direction du programme de soutien à l'autonomie des personnes âgées du CISSS de la Côte-Nord anime ce balado qui nous invite à brasser nos valeurs pour se mettre à la place d'un aîné en hébergement. Plongez dans les épisodes de ce balado fort intéressant en /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextcliquant ici.

Soyons fiers de cette initiative nord-côtière et bonne écoute!