Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
STBBI prevention
Sexuality education through the École en santé approach
Sexuality education and sexual health of young people are key concerns for the Direction de santé publique. Collaborations with school networks allow us to provide young people with quality preventive services. Sexuality education covers several dimensions and various subjects, such as body awareness, body image, sexual stereotypes and feelings of love.
More information:
- Youth section (Public health) - Website of the CISSS de la Côte-Nord
- École en santé approach (ministère de l'Éducation et ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur)
Distribution of free condoms
In order to foster safe sexual behaviours, condoms are offered free of charge in:
- Secondary schools
- Community organizations frequented by young people and people at higher risk of contracting an STBBI
- Certain bars
Hepatitis A, hepatitis B and the human papilloma virus (HPV) can be prevented with vaccination. Vaccines are offered free of charge based on the criteria of the Québec Immunization Program. Contact the STBBI nurse or the immunization nurse of your CLSC for more information.
Preventive intervention with people affected and their partners (IPPAP)
If you are infected with an STBBI, a public health nurse may contact you. She will ensure that you and your partners receive adequate treatment and follow-up. She can support you in the disclosure of your infection to your partners and answer your questions with complete confidentiality.
If a sexual partner informs you that they contracted an STBBI, quickly contact your territory's STBBI clinic in order to get tested and receive treatment.
Distribution of equipment for injection or inhalation drug users
People who inject or inhale drugs with equipment used by others are at risk of contracting infections, such as STBBIs (hepatitis B and C, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]). They are also likely to have skin and soft tissue infections (e.g., muscles, blood vessels, fatty tissues).
The distribution of sterile drug-use equipment is an effective public health measure to prevent the spread of these infections, and it is a harm reduction approach. Injection equipment kits, inhalation equipment and recovery containers for used syringes and needles are available in injection equipment access centres (CAMIs):
- CLSC receptions
- Hospital emergency departments
- Certain community organizations
- Community pharmacies
- Street workers
These places are usually identified with this logo on the door.
STBBI screening
When to get tested
Get tested for STBBIs if:
- You had unprotected sex
- You shared equipment used to prepare, inject or inhale drugs
- You had a tattoo or piercing done with non-sterile equipment
- You are in a steady relationship and want to stop using condoms or sheet of latex
- You are pregnant or want to get pregnant
- You or your partner had sex with:
- A new partner
- Multiple partners
- An anonymous partner
- You had sex with someone who has an STBBI
- You were exposed to blood or other bodily fluids that might be contaminated, for example, semen or vaginal secretions
- You have symptoms similar to those of an STBBI
- You are concerned
Where to get tested?
Confidential services are offered by public health nurses in the following STBBI clinics:
CMSSS de Forestville | 418 587-2212, ext. 212279 Appointment booking online on Clic Santé |
CMSSS des Escoumins | 418 233-2931, ext. 232201 Appointment booking online on Clic Santé |
CLSC Lionel-Charest | 418 296-2572, ext. 315153 Appointment booking online on Clic Santé |
CMSSS de Port-Cartier | 418 766-2572, ext. 443277 Appointment booking online on Clic Santé |
CLSC de Sept-Îles | 418 962-2572, ext. 414168 Appointment booking online on Clic Santé |
CMSSS de la Minganie | 418 538-2212, ext. 542437 |
CMSSS de la Basse-Côte-Nord | 418 461-2144, ext. 611417 |
CMSSS de Fermont | 418 287-3280, ext. 712226 |
You can also consult:
- Your school nurse
- The Aire ouverte nurse (15-25 years old)
- Your family physician
- Your specialized nurse practitioner
- The Primary care access point (GAP)
- As a last resort AND if you have symptoms only, the emergency department